New Home Purchase

Laurie Tinkler - New Home Purchase

So, you’re buying a new home… Congratulations!

Meet Laurie Tinkler to Prequalify for Mortgage Financing

The purchase of a home could be the largest purchase you make in your lifetime. As your accredited mortgage professional, Laurie Tinkler will keep you up-to-date and informed about the many mortgage options available to you.

Laurie will research her lender base to find her client the best deal at the most competitive rate taking the worry and stress out of the scenario!


It’s a good idea to find out if you qualify for a mortgage, and how much of a mortgage you qualify for. After meeting a client Laurie has all the information necessary to work on their application, and within a short period of time will be able get a rate hold in place.

Laurie Tinkler has access to the very best products and rates available across Canada working for the locally-owned Courtenay offices, Invis – West Coast Mortgages.


  • 95% financing for home purchase
  • 80% for refinance
  • flexible down payment
  • cashback options
  • self-employed programs

Contact Laurie to find out what options are waiting for you.